How to to build lean muscle using functional strength, HIIT and plyometric techniques, free from bulk with 12 weeks of progressive cycle aligned workouts.
Plan your workouts, guilt free so you know how and when to tap into your hormones to optimise gains & dial training down (physically & mentally). So you don’t feel wrung out!
Gentle ways to move that will improve your mobility, flexibility, posture and calm your busy mind.
The science (we were never taught at school) behind what happens to our bodies, from puberty to menopause (this is great for Mums with younger children entering puberty and if you are heading towards Peri Menopause/Menopause) so you feel informed about your changing body.
My simple approach to food and how to fuel pre/ post workout for maximum performance & muscle repair.
Cool Cycle tracking tools and techniques to really get a handle of your hormones.
How adaptogens and biohacking can support PMT and Peri Menopause/Menopausal symptoms.
Bringing it all together to understand the softer elements to the cycle, the seasons & moon energy.
Integrate your new cyclical awareness into your work, social life, relationships and overall lifestyle. Leaving you feeing energised and equipped to understand yourself, rather than feeling broken.