Its makes me sad thinking I was this person, but at 27 I got married and knew I didn’t want to live like this anymore. It took time, but with help and support I started to appreciate my body for what it could achieve and view food as my fuel, my focus had shifted. I started competing in running challenges again, undertook PT sessions to learn about using the gym safely and effectively and more recently fell in love with triathlons.
When I fell pregnant, I continued to exercise until the day before my daughter was born. But when she was born, I lost the sporty spirit within me, I was tired and didn’t have any motivation to exercise, my daughter came first, and this suited my new role, so we walked a lot.
My son arrived 2 years later, and it was a beautiful yet exhausting time, I didn’t prioritise my own wellbeing needs. My body had changed, and through my pregnancy I developed separation of the stomach muscles. This time around I wanted to carve out some time for me, to rebuild my fitness, to strengthen my core (reduce my gap). So I started researching what exercises were safe postnatally and gradually built up my fitness again, I started to come back to life.